
LectureActivityPaper PresentationAssignment Due
01/24Introduction to HRIWhat Does HRI Entail?How to Search for Papers
01/31Probability and InferenceBayesian InferenceHow to Present a PaperChoose a Paper to Present
02/07Markov Models and HMMsHMM NotebookIntention Recognition IProbability Quiz
02/14Bayesian FilteringROS WorkshopIntention Recognition IIInference & BN Quiz
02/21Particle FilteringStart MCL NotebookSocial NavigationHMM Quiz
02/28Decision Making and MDPsROS WorkshopLegibilityROS 1
03/07Dynamic ProgrammingGrid World Dynamic ProgrammingCollaborationHMM Coding
03/14RL: Monte CarloGrid World RLGesturesROS 2
03/21RL: TD / SARSAGrid World TD / SARSAGaze
03/28RL: Q-LearningGrid World Q-LearningLearning with and from HumansMCF Coding
04/04Spring Break
04/11Human Participant ExperimentsFinal Project Workshop<—ROS 3
04/18Measures and MetricsExperiment Design Workshop<—
04/25Experimental Statistics 1Regression NotebookFinal Project WorkshopFinal Project Proposal
05/02Experimental Statistics 2T-Test NotebookFinal Project Workshop
TBDFinal Project Presentations